Feedback for Business Mindset Course

Source of Feedback

hatim amjad
Jun 17, 2023

Hi LeahG

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the incredible effort and selflessness you have put into creating this course. I am truly grateful for the knowledge and guidance you have provided. After initially scanning through the content, I decided to dive deeper and read it again. Currently, I am fully immersing myself in the course, carefully examining each detail and taking the necessary steps to implement what I've learned.


The course has proven to be exceptionally informative and motivating. It has opened my eyes to new possibilities and strategies that I had never considered before. One aspect that particularly stood out to me was the importance of creating a business plan. I now understand how essential it is for setting clear goals and establishing a solid foundation.


Moreover, the course has provided invaluable clarity on marketing strategies and the significance of tags. These areas have been a constant challenge for me in the past, but your insights have given me a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of confidence.


I cannot thank you enough for the dedication and time you've invested in developing this course. Your expertise and willingness to share your knowledge have made a significant impact on my journey as a Zazzlepreneur. I am genuinely excited to apply what I've learned and see the positive outcomes it will bring.


Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for creating such a comprehensive and inspiring course. Your efforts are truly appreciated.


REVIEWS for LeahG's Zazzle Business Mindset Course and Beginners Guide to Zazzle

Note that Course 2 that is being referred to in these reviews is my Ninja Niche Course Here.


Jun 03, 2023

I've found the course material so far very easily accessible and the resources are very helpful - thank you! There's a lot of info! I found the researching and finding a niche section of module 1 of particular interest. Your tip to use Amazon for research was something that never occurred to me before, so that was great advice. I was excited to set up a new niche and after some research, including on Amazon, I actually decided on my new niche really quickly. I was a bit daunted by the idea of setting up a new FB page as I have two already, one with a largish following, but with little engagement, probably because it's too general, so I can see it makes sense to have a Facebook page dedicated to my new niche. It's now up and running, my aim is to post as regularly as I can and build it up slowly but surely.


I'm still working my way through many of the posts and resources here and will feedback on those I implement at a later date. Overall I think the organisation and structure you've put into place is great. I've already recommended your course to family and friends who are just starting on their Zazzle journeys.


Oh and I also ordered a couple of your Zazzlepreneur binders as Notebooks, one for me and one for a family member who has recently joined, which have just arrived yesterday and already I've been filling in all the things I've researched and done so far. Very handy, thanks!


Thanks again for all the time and effort you've put into helping us 😀


Karen H
Jun 11, 2023

Hi Leah

First of all I want to say thank you for the Zazzlepreneur Course, and for being so selfless and all the time an effort you have put into this. At first I scanned through it quickly then read it in more depth for a 2nd time. I am now in the process of going through it again, this time in more detail and completing the necessary steps. I have found it to be very informative and motivating. There are some things I never even thought about doing like creating a business plan and other areas have given me more clarity on what I should be doing an looking out for, such as the marketing strategies and tags, something I have always struggled with.


I know I am late off the starting block but would love to be included in your -Invite Only - list, if it is still possible.


Thanks a lot

Karen H


Jun 02, 2023

Hello @Leah G Apologies for the late feedback. I have been busy soaking all the information and knowledge shared by you. First of all , i really appreciate the efforts you are putting in all this. The documents are easy to navigate and read. I am still half way through the Business Plan. The amazon product research and then Q&A on the forum regarding the same are eye openers. I used to go to etsy but that too for design ideas and what selling or trending but keyword research with amazon is really exciting. so i am going back to my stores ( yes i had hard time finding out i need niche specific store :)) and optimizing the products on the basis on these lines before creating new ones.

The marketing side is a horror story for me always but thanks to your supporting docs and a fellow zazzlers feedback on my pinterest account , i am giving it another try to use the full potential of it. i would like to a have deeper insight on Pinterest though i.e. how to create enticing pins to get more traffic to your store. I would appreciate if you have something deeper to share in that regards in terms of dos and dont's probably regarding pinterest. Since I am working to fixing my pinterest (currently at 12.5k monthly views) , i have put a halt on facebook page creation since i want to give full attention to this and streamline and then move onto next task.

In future , i would like you to share your knowledge of how to spot trends on zazzle plateform itself within any niche, a deeper insight of design do's and don'ts to help improve designing skills. Thank you once again for all your time and efforts. I will keep sharing my feedback as I keep exploring it at my own pace. Stay Blessed!


Patricia In AZ
Jun 06, 2023

I’m so grateful for all that you are offering, Leah. I’m picking up snippets of helpful information here and there. Having been on Z for so long and not working on it full time or having been overly successful during my initial time, I continue to search niches and your niche hand-out added more ideas.

I realize it may be a loss for me but I’m only promoting on Pinterest. I had been on most of the popular social sites (Twitter, FB, Instagram) and promoted on various sites that went by the wayside over time. I also had a blog that got little to no attention even though I posted at least weekly. I really didn’t have a following even though I tried to interact constantly on social and send folks there. For the hours I spent on those social sites I got less referrals than what I get simply focusing on Pinterest now. Over those years, all my referrals came from Pinterest. That should have been a sign.

So for now, I want to stay focused there. I post on Pinterest (multiple accounts and multiple homemade pins daily) and the public “Show Me Forum” at Z (not regularly). BUT, I know how some trends come and go so I realize I will have to change my process with those changes.


The tips you offer are always a plus and links to helpful information such as the matching fonts guidance. I’m bookmarking links I find helpful.


Jun 06, 2023

I really enjoy the course. I have a clearer path of what to do and where to go instead of wasting time doing things that aren't really helping my shop grow. I now have the course printed out and on my desk so I can look at it every time I work on my Zazzle store so I don't lose focus. I really like the little things you added to the module, such as the motivational quotes, it does help keep me motivated. This module has been very helpful, especially for someone like me who is new to Zazzle. So, thank you Leah, for taking the time to share your experience and knowledge with us.


Jun 06, 2023

Thank you so much for creating this awesome course which is easy to understand and easy to implement. Zazzle Business Planning is a great help to establish our business on solid ground and a source of motivation to stay focused. Social media marketing has been always a hard shell for me to crack, so I would love to know more about it. Your "hot tips" and "Extra" are gold nuggets of knowledge. I sincerely appreciate the precious time and knowledge you are sharing with us. Wishing you all the success and happiness.


Amanda Stuff
Jun 05, 2023

Hi! Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge!


so far I’ve been learning a lot! I feel I’m just really getting started so I will probably have more questions and feedback as I go. If I had any constructive feedback it would be more on how the site is laid out. Maybe it’s because I’m on my phone or because I’m still getting used to it, but I wonder if they layout of the website could be a bit more intuitive? Sometimes I feel confused on where to go to find things.


I would love more tips on tagging / optimizing your listings to come up in zazzle search.


another question I have - have you found there to be a “sweet spot” of having at least a certain number of items for sale? Wondering what goal I should have at first as far as item count.





Morcash Sweat
Jun 05, 2023

I've always had trouble understanding my niche, and I'm learning through your course about that. Your question, "How do you aim to differentiate yourself from other designers and stand out in the Zazzle mp?" was a good one for me. I learned a whole lot from this. Time Management: Logging my activities. I want to learn more about this, because I cannot yet see the relevance always. There are times when I say to myself, there are key elements to pace yourself, to do things in steps, to be mindful that I am creating items to sell that are unique and not spaghetti thrown against a wall type. But, yet I loathe the process of keeping time tracks.

This is where I need help, to realize the importance of writing the times down and practicing it. I do a lot of cover images now, and to me that's part of marketing...not designing. It's almost as if this is an area that feels like it's just a 'catch up', and not sortable on a time management. Although with new, free background removers etc, it's getting easier.  It's just that I'm getting in to how to keep track of everything now on Google sheets, as far as all my products (which is impossible now it seems) and those that have sold or not sold, and what type of product they are. I want to know more about how to keep up with a track record as well.


Jun 05, 2023

The course has been so helpful already and I’ve found it easily accessible. Like some others have mentioned, I never even thought of Amazon for research which was quite an oversight! I have been lucky to have had some self referrals via Pinterest, but I need to focus my efforts in this area as I am definitely a haphazard Pinner. I have spent some time this morning putting together some templates in Canva so that I can start manual pinning instead of direct from Zazzle.

I have had a P&L spreadsheet running since I started and it is very satisfying to see my profit grow steadily month on month…just need to get it to grow faster as I am so close to Bronze after hitting Pro about 5 months ago.


I definitely want to start doing more affiliate marketing for other sellers on Zazzle as there some niche areas I have absolutely no interest in, but I can see some amazing products from other sellers which I would enjoy promoting and this is one area I would love to know more about.


Oh! and even though I am a Canva user I never even thought about utilising the Design School which you reference in the Font Design tips so thanks for that reminder!


Ellen Pickard
Jun 05, 2023

So far, I have found the small tips and suggestions very helpful. I never thought about using AI for descriptions, tags and titles, and I finally sat down a did it. It is very helpful and does make a more professional impression on my store. I did see a bump in sales since I started going back to old products and reworking the descriptions. I also gave the buddy system a try. I had someone open and "edit" a specific invitation a couple times that has never been viewed. Within a day or so a product in that same collection sold and my views on most of the products in that collection has increased.


I like being able to see what courses and extras are available. I printed them and put them in a binder to make it easier for me to follow. I like the layout of them and how they are sectioned out. The only part I'm not going to be participating in (maybe in the future) is the Facebook page. I don't feel for me Facebook is the best option for advertising. I like to utilize Instagram and Pinterest. I do wish there was a module on how to make Instagram and Pinterest more lucrative. My Pinterest has gotten out of hand and overtime gets a little messy and I'm not sure if I'm messing it up every post or if it is working how its supposed to.


I would also like to know if there is a connection with SEO and collection descriptions or should I focus all my energy on product descriptions as an individual. Also, how long should these descriptions be and what is too long for descriptions. I think a formatting module for the descriptions could help a lot.


Overall I am excited to be apart of this forum to help grow my Zazzle store even more. I hit Pro Status last November and with this course I think it will help me do better.


Jun 05, 2023

I've found the course very helpful so far. I really like the hints and tips because I do better with bite size projects, but what I probably NEED is business-end training. The .pdfs are easy to download and print. The forum can be a little choppy especially with people posting their promotion submissions - maybe have them submit via email? Thanks for all of your hard work!


Jun 05, 2023

I’ve been really enjoying the course and the tip Sections. The forum is a great resource too. I’m really looking forward to more design tips and maybe have a section about different styles and finding the right one for us?

thanks for doing this for all of us!


Romy Suomii
November 7, 2023

I liked the section on the business plan and how planning could rewire our brains. The part on prioritizing time to focus on tasks was especially helpful. The guide on Google Trends was also fascinating—it’s such a useful tool for generating new ideas! Module 1 offered a clear introduction to the macro areas that I should focus on as a new seller. I created the skeleton of my business plan, which was the most challenging task for me, and I'm continuously adjusting it as I gain more clarity. The biggest roadblock I faced was getting into the "planning mode"—accepting that the time invested in planning was beneficial. After six months on Zazzle, I now realize there's no progress without a clear roadmap! I rate Module 1 a 5—it successfully condensed the major information needed for starting a Zazzle shop. I suggest improving the introductory section about design, as having some key tips for beginners is crucial. Perhaps adding a Q&A live session every two weeks would also be beneficial for engagement. I'm confident going into Module 2, and I strongly recommend this module for clarifying business goals and staying organized throughout the Zazzle journey.


Imane Matar
October 12, 2023

The most valuable lesson I learned from Module 1 is that I need to treat my Zazzle store as a real business if I want to achieve success. The extras about finding niches were particularly interesting, and the module provided sufficient guidance on setting goals, managing time, and staying motivated. My mindset toward my Zazzle store has completely shifted—if the work doesn’t pay off, I now actively look for the problem and fix it. I’ve created a Facebook page but am not ready to share it yet. I rate Module 1 a 5 and wouldn't change a thing. I feel confident moving into Module 2 and would highly recommend this module to anyone starting their Zazzle journey.


October 11, 2023

The charts and journal sheets were particularly helpful, especially in showing how to treat my Zazzle store like a business and set earnings goals. Module 1 provided perfect guidance on goal-setting and time management, and I’ve already created a Facebook page to promote my business. I rate this module a solid 5 stars. There have been no challenges so far, and I plan to refer back to this module as I continue to grow my business. I highly recommend this module to others—it’s packed with useful information!


October 2, 2023

I realized from Module 1 that I truly need a business plan to align with my goals for Zazzle. Something as simple as using Amazon for market research never occurred to me before, but now I see its importance. I also learned that I spend too much time researching and not enough time creating. With three young kids and a full-time job, I have to focus on productivity. The business plan worksheets pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I now see Zazzle as a real opportunity for growth. I’m still figuring out my niche, and I hope Module 2 will help with that. I would recommend Module 1 to anyone—it’s a great roadmap for getting started on Zazzle.


October 2, 2023

One of the most valuable lessons from Module 1 was realizing the importance of pride in my work. I’ve gone back to revise cover photos, and as a result, I’ve seen sales increase and gained two editor’s picks. The module taught me to keep my listings active and helped me refine my approach to tagging. It also reminded me to keep an eye on trends in both online and physical stores. I’ve applied this by setting up new Facebook Pages for niche marketing and rethinking my cover photos to resonate with target audiences. Overall, Module 1 was a helpful refresher that confirmed I’m on the right track.


Jane Greenwood

Sep 27, 2023

  1. What are the most valuable lessons or strategies you learned from the business plan worksheets and information provided in Module 1?
    Making a business plan—a great way to keep your focus and cut out a lot of frustration.

  2. Which specific topics or concepts covered via the EXTRAS supplied with this module did you find most valuable or interesting?
    The bonus list of niches was very helpful, as were the unicorn tags.

  3. Do you feel that the module provided sufficient guidance on setting goals, managing time effectively, and staying motivated throughout your Zazzle journey?
    I thought it was a very helpful and interesting guide, which was easy to follow.

  4. How have you applied the concepts and techniques taught in Module 1 to your Zazzle business? Please provide specific examples, if possible.
    The Amazon search—it never crossed my mind, despite how much time I spend on Amazon, but it made so much sense.

  5. Re Task 1 - Were you able to create a Facebook page and would you like to share the link here for members to view and follow you?
    I'm not a lover of Facebook, but I may look into it at a later date.

  6. Did you encounter any difficulties or roadblocks while working on the business plan worksheets or implementing the strategies from Module 1?
    Not really. The fact that I could take the course at my own pace was great; I had time to absorb the information and try things out.

  7. Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with Module 1 of the Zazzlepreneur program?
    I would definitely give it a 5. It's clear and easy to follow.

  8. What suggestions or recommendations do you have for improving the content, delivery, or overall experience of Module 1?
    Clickable links would be good.

  9. How confident do you feel in your ability to tackle the challenges that await in Module 2 - All Things Niche?
    I'm really looking forward to Module 2 and feel quite confident.

  10. Any other feedback, comments, or questions regarding Module 1 or the Zazzlepreneur course?
    Not at this moment. So far, I think it's a well-put-together course.

  11. How likely are you to recommend the "Business Plan and Business Mindset" module to other aspiring Zazzlepreneurs?
    Very likely. It’s very helpful to keep you focused on your business.

  12. Would you recommend Module 1 to others, and if so, why?
    Definitely. It's a great way to plan which way you want your business to go before jumping in and getting overwhelmed.



Sep 16, 2023

  1. What are the most valuable lessons or strategies you learned from the business plan worksheets and information provided in Module 1?
    It was very nice to write down some of the items in the personal mission statement. Though I had it all in my head, seeing it in writing makes a difference.

  2. Which specific topics or concepts covered via the EXTRAS supplied with this module did you find most valuable or interesting?
    Probably the Pinterest guide, as that is where I would like to focus my marketing efforts.

  3. Do you feel that the module provided sufficient guidance on setting goals, managing time effectively, and staying motivated throughout your Zazzle journey?
    I think it did for setting goals and managing time. I enjoyed the ‘How to Prioritize Your Time’ article—it gives insight into how others (you) would approach having a lot or a little time, as some weeks differ from others.

  4. How have you applied the concepts and techniques taught in Module 1 to your Zazzle business?
    Not really, to be honest. There’s a lot of referring to niches and research, but I feel that hasn’t been covered enough for me to dive in. I’m paying more attention to the information about short and long tail keywords, thanks to a comment I saw on the unicorn tags article.

  5. Re Task 1 - Were you able to create a Facebook page?
    I have not created a Facebook page. I read through the information and realized it's a long-term game. Right now, my time is better spent on Pinterest.

  6. Did you encounter any difficulties or roadblocks while working on the business plan worksheets or implementing the strategies from Module 1?
    I felt that not all the information needed was provided for the tasks the module inspired. For example, research niches—where exactly I need help—wasn't covered enough. I’ll wait for Module 2.

  7. Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with Module 1 of the Zazzlepreneur program?
    Probably 3.5, mainly due to the reasons stated in question 8.

  8. What suggestions or recommendations do you have for improving the content, delivery, or overall experience of Module 1?
    The PDF was good, but the extra files were tedious and confusing to navigate. It felt like a lot of back and forth to gather information, rather than having things explained neatly in a row.

  9. How confident do you feel in your ability to tackle the challenges that await in Module 2 - All Things Niche?
    I’m very curious to see how this module explains niche research, so I’m quite excited about it.

  10. Any other feedback or questions regarding Module 1 or the Zazzlepreneur course?
    My answer to question 8 covers it.

11-12. How likely are you to recommend the "Business Plan and Business Mindset" module, and would you recommend Module 1 to others?

I think it’s great for figuring out goals—personal and business. I would recommend people follow these lessons.



Sep 10, 2023

  1. What are the most valuable lessons or strategies you learned from the business plan worksheets and information provided in Module 1?
    Key takeaways include identifying initial goals and niches. My business plan focuses on short-term, achievable goals, with plans to revise as I progress.

  2. Which specific topics or concepts covered via the EXTRAS supplied with this module did you find most valuable or interesting?
    Finding an appropriate niche is a key takeaway. I need to balance personal niche ideas with market-appropriate ones.

  3. Do you feel that the module provided sufficient guidance on setting goals, managing time effectively, and staying motivated throughout your Zazzle journey?
    Mostly. Staying motivated is challenging without sales or results, but I found goal setting and time management guidance helpful.

  4. How have you applied the concepts and techniques taught in Module 1 to your Zazzle business?
    I’ve revisited my store to ensure it’s properly set up and have focused on improving SEO and awareness.

  5. Re Task 1 - Were you able to create a Facebook page?
    I have a Facebook page, but I’ve been focusing on Pinterest for now.

  6. Did you encounter any difficulties or roadblocks while working on the business plan worksheets or implementing the strategies from Module 1?
    No major challenges, though SEO takes time to understand. I also question whether I’m designing for myself rather than more broadly acceptable markets.

  7. Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with Module 1 of the Zazzlepreneur program?
    Good information, but time is a major factor. I’d rate it a 4.

  8. What suggestions or recommendations do you have for improving the content, delivery, or overall experience of Module 1?
    The links to ‘Similar Posts’ didn’t work for me. Also, I’d love to explore a deeper drill-down into niche selection.

  9. How confident do you feel in your ability to tackle the challenges that await in Module 2 - All Things Niche?
    I’m confident but find the niche challenge daunting due to the variety of interests.

  10. Any other feedback or questions regarding Module 1 or the Zazzlepreneur course?
    I’m excited to be part of this community and to learn more.

  11. How likely are you to recommend the "Business Plan and Business Mindset" module to others?
    Mostly. I’m early in the process but see value in the module.

  12. Would you recommend Module 1 to others, and if so, why?
    Yes. It sets the foundations before diving into business, avoiding unhappiness from a lack of initial results.


Patricia in AZ

Sep 10, 2023

  1. What are the most valuable lessons or strategies you learned from the business plan worksheets and information provided in Module 1?
    The worksheets helped me revise a business plan I made years ago, improving my approach.

  2. Which specific topics or concepts covered via the EXTRAS supplied with this module did you find most valuable or interesting?
    I’m doing more research on niche markets, aligning my creativity with them.

  3. Do you feel that the module provided sufficient guidance on setting goals, managing time effectively, and staying motivated throughout your Zazzle journey?
    Yes. It encouraged me to review my business plan and stay motivated despite the challenges of Zazzle.

  4. How have you applied the concepts and techniques taught in Module 1 to your Zazzle business?
    I started using additional search engines for research, including Yahoo, Bing, and, and also began using Amazon.

  5. Re Task 1 - Were you able to create a Facebook page?
    I left Facebook and market solely on Pinterest, so I didn’t complete that part of the work.

  6. Did you encounter any difficulties or roadblocks while working on the business plan worksheets or implementing the strategies from Module 1?
    The lesson flowed well, with no major challenges for me.

  7. Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with Module 1 of the Zazzlepreneur program?
    I rate it a 5. I’ve been with Zazzle for years but was feeling burned out. This course has reignited my energy.

  8. What suggestions or recommendations do you have for improving the content, delivery, or overall experience of Module 1?
    None. I really enjoyed the content.

  9. How confident do you feel in your ability to tackle the challenges that await in Module 2 - All Things Niche?
    I feel very confident. I’ve been doing niche research but can always learn more.

  10. Any other feedback, comments, or questions regarding Module 1 or the Zazzlepreneur course?
    None at the moment.

  11. How likely are you to recommend the "Business Plan and Business Mindset" module to other aspiring Zazzlepreneurs?
    Highly likely. The course helps put everything into focus.

  12. Would you recommend Module 1 to others, and if so, why?
    Yes. It’s a great refresher and valuable for new entrepreneurs.


Crista (Sep 09, 2023)

1. What are the most valuable lessons or strategies you learned from the business plan worksheets and information provided in Module 1?

  • "While I've enjoyed all of module 1 and found nuggets of information everywhere, I particularly liked point 4 (capitalizing on your strengths)..."

2. Which specific topics or concepts covered via the EXTRAS supplied with this module did you find most valuable or interesting?

  • "I've already talked about the niche markets being the most valuable..."

3. Do you feel that the module provided sufficient guidance on setting goals, managing time effectively, and staying motivated throughout your Zazzle journey?

  • "To be honest, starting a Zazzle store (or stores) is such an overwhelming thing that at first one is blinded..."

4. How have you applied the concepts and techniques taught in Module 1 to your Zazzle business? Please provide specific examples, if possible.

  • "I have been much more targeted on finding areas that play to my strengths..."

5. Re Task 1 - were you able to create a Facebook page and would you like to share the link here for members to view and follow you? If so please do!

  • "I already have a Facebook page that I created a long time ago and have been neglecting..."

6. Did you encounter any difficulties or roadblocks while working on the business plan worksheets or implementing the strategies from Module 1?

  • "I've been working in the business world for 20 years. To be honest, my creative brain kind of cringes..."

7. Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with Module 1 of the Zazzlepreneur program?

  • "I would give it a 5. Not too short, not too long, to the point and poignant..."

8. What suggestions or recommendations do you have for improving the content, delivery, or overall experience of Module 1?

  • "The only information that was missing (partially) for me is more detail about Facebook Groups..."

9. How confident do you feel in your ability to tackle the challenges that await in Module 2 - All Things Niche?

  • "Bring them on! My fingers are itching on the keyboard to start researching all those great ideas..."

10. Is there any other feedback, comments, or questions you would like to share regarding Module 1 or the Zazzlepreneur course in general?

  • "The only feedback I would like to share is 'GREAT JOB and THANK YOU'. It's mind-blowing..."

11. How likely are you to recommend the "Business Plan and Business Mindset" module to other aspiring Zazzlepreneurs?

  • "I will direct all artist friends and acquaintances who want to start with Print-on-Demand..."

12. Would you recommend Module 1 to others and if so why?

  • "I would because, as I've said before, my natural state is that of a chaotic, shiny-object-loving..."


Jeri (Sep 07, 2023)

1. What are the most valuable lessons or strategies you learned from the business plan worksheets and information provided in Module 1?

  • "I have never made a business plan—This was eye-opening and will really help me..."

2. Which specific topics or concepts covered via the EXTRAS supplied with this module did you find most valuable or interesting?

  • "The unicorn tagging info is fascinating and I am currently deep-diving into all the info..."

3. Do you feel that the module provided sufficient guidance on setting goals, managing time effectively, and staying motivated throughout your Zazzle journey?

  • "Yes! Creating the business plan helped me with goal setting..."

4. How have you applied the concepts and techniques taught in Module 1 to your Zazzle business?

  • "I have started tagging research and started going through older products..."

5. Re Task 1 - were you able to create a Facebook page and would you like to share the link here for members to view and follow you?

  • "I have not done this yet, as I am going to focus on Pinterest..."

6. Did you encounter any difficulties or roadblocks while working on the business plan worksheets or implementing the strategies from Module 1?

  • "No difficulties at all. You have done an amazing job with this course..."

7. Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with Module 1 of the Zazzlepreneur program?

  • "Five stars all the way!"

8. What suggestions or recommendations do you have for improving the content, delivery, or overall experience of Module 1?

  • "I just watched one of your videos and would love more..."

9. How confident do you feel in your ability to tackle the challenges that await in Module 2 - All Things Niche?

  • "I'm ready! I currently have several niche stores..."

10. Is there any other feedback, comments, or questions you would like to share regarding Module 1 or the Zazzlepreneur course in general?

  • "I just want to share how much I appreciate the time you have put into creating..."

11. How likely are you to recommend the "Business Plan and Business Mindset" module to other aspiring Zazzlepreneurs?

  • "I don't have any Zazzle friends, but if I did, I would recommend it for sure!"

12. Would you recommend Module 1 to others and if so why?

  • "Yes, it is a great introduction and info on how to get your business plan together..."


Shelley Wenger (Sep 06, 2023)

1. What are the most valuable lessons or strategies you learned from the business plan worksheets and information provided in Module 1?

  • "That you need to have one. I have been working hard on my Zazzle store, without any real purpose..."

2. Which specific topics or concepts covered via the EXTRAS supplied with this module did you find most valuable or interesting?

  • "I have really been struggling with getting my pieces that I do have noticed..."

3. Do you feel that the module provided sufficient guidance on setting goals, managing time effectively, and staying motivated throughout your Zazzle journey?

  • "I think it is a good place to start. It is something that I never really thought about..."

4. How have you applied the concepts and techniques taught in Module 1 to your Zazzle business?

  • "I am working hard on managing my time better..."

5. Re Task 1 - were you able to create a Facebook page and would you like to share the link here for members to view and follow you?

  • "I have not made a FB page. I have one for my writing business that I am going to start adding..."

6. Did you encounter any difficulties or roadblocks while working on the business plan worksheets or implementing the strategies from Module 1?

  • "My biggest problem was finding the time to devote to my POD business..."

7. Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with Module 1 of the Zazzlepreneur program?

  • "I think it is a solid 4, with enough information to help you get started..."

8. What suggestions or recommendations do you have for improving the content, delivery, or overall experience of Module 1?

  • "Personally, I like watching videos, though I also love to print out the information..."

9. How confident do you feel in your ability to tackle the challenges that await in Module 2 - All Things Niche?

  • "I already think I have a niche with dogs, cats, and veterinary medicine..."

10. Is there any other feedback, comments, or questions you would like to share regarding Module 1 or the Zazzlepreneur course in general?

  • "No, I am just looking forward to learning more."

11. How likely are you to recommend the "Business Plan and Business Mindset" module to other aspiring Zazzlepreneurs?

  • "Usually, I recommend whole classes, so I would like to see more..."

12. Would you recommend Module 1 to others and if so why?

  • "I probably would, so that others can focus on their business..."